
Photo gallery

We would like to fill the photo gallery with life as often as we can. We try to organize historical exhibitions frequently, but also plan to support young artists, photographers by offering them the gallery of the village free.

We will always use the income from the exhibitions to finance the events in the village.

Please visit as many exhibitions as you can to support Kovácsszénája.

Thank you!

Community center

The community centre of Kovácsszénája is unique in the neighborhood. Its technical equipment, which includes 6.1sound and a projector, meets all modern expectations. Smaller bands and performers can hit its stage to entertain both the locals and the visitors.
We would also like to organize educational lectures.

Please visit as many screenings, concerts or lectures as you can to support Kovácsszénája.

Thank you!


We would like to open our grocery store at the beginning of 2011, where we will try to prefer the local products. The main aim of running the store is to provide the locals with the daily fresh bread and milk.

Market place

In the yard of the Hári house we build up a fine little market place and we will organize husbandry product fares regularly. The local producers will sell here their highly delicious products. Visit our homepage regularly and follow the building of the market place.